[quote]LOL. finding a "cheese" and finding a [b][i][u]CHEAT[/u][/i][/b] are different things.
A cheese is finding a location in a fight with geography negating aspects of the fight.
Intentionally disconnecting your system to freeze a boss in a vulnerable position. IS CHEATING.
And if your justification is finding them for bungie. Well guess what. They are found. Using them now is cheating. Its not a -blam!-in strategy.
You people are ridiculous. I hope they ban the shit out of everyone doing this a week or two and take away the rewards they cheated. If not for this time around, then the next.
There is no defense. Anyone who does this kind of thing just outright sucks. Period. Your not good.[/quote]
Why are you so mad? Having arguments here is so hard because it leads to people getting angry.
And you Don't even disconnect your system, what the hell are you talking about.
I am angry because ppl like yourself continue to justify what u do as "OK". Its not. And anyone that does these cheats. SUCKS. Im tired of saying the same thing over n over. Admit your cheating. I aint even mad u ppl cheat. Im mad u try to justify it as acceptable. Raids are supposed to be monatrously hard. To see ppl abusing it so badly and claiming its a legit strategy is infuriating.
You act like I am one of those people who cheese Crota 24/7 yet in reality Crota is easier than Atheon. You don't even understand what I said the first time I posted. I mentioned that it is not OUR fault for these glitches, yea GLITCHES, are in the game. If it weren't for people doing them, then they wouldn't be removed. Try reading what I said first.