It was a suggestion to the guy I responded to. Not a comparison for someone to try and argue with me about who is clearly just wanting to be an arrogant ass. Go argue with someone else.
Also having to shoot more bullets is ANNOYING not difficult.
Edited by Tekn0z: 1/6/2015 7:05:44 AMYeah keep talking more nonsense without any meaning. I already made my point and don't feel like repeating myself for bias dumbasses with no reading comprehension or logic.
Edited by l MF Dan l: 1/6/2015 7:14:27 AMDo you even know what a bias is? Looking at the games OBJECTIVELY The ME3 multiplayer challenge surpasses that of Destiny. Saying but hurr you can use shitty guns to make it harder is stupid and not Objective at all. That can be done in both games and you look stupid for trying to make that argument as a reason for Destiny being more challenging. The only biased opinion here is you. But you know you keep wearing those blinders of yours when you clearly know nothing about the game of which I was speaking. On that note I'm done speaking to you as your "point" is a massive pile of shit and a waste of my time.
Edited by Tekn0z: 1/6/2015 7:17:50 AMAh spewing more bullshit as usual. Making a game difficult is not an objective measure of "better". Not only is this thread a troll but it is supported by idiots like you who think a certain narrow minded definition of something makes a game " better" or more "difficult" both of which are subjective. Stop wasting everyone's time by trying to act smart like you know what the hell you're taking about when you clearly have none. Yet another case of an idiot who wants to assert subjective crap thinking they are facts.
It isn't a troll if my words are correct and true.
Nice try. Go on.
It thinks we don't have reading comprehension or logic. HAHAHAHAHA
He's just mad he couldn't solo bronze difficulty.
You mad cuz you idiot. Lel top kek argue more
Mad cuz bad.
Mad cuz terribad
Have you ever fought the Geth? Those -blam!-ers are ruthless, regardless of the challenge.
The stun locking is unreal. Bastards would find a way to wreck me no matter what difficulty it was on. Damn now I gotta go to gamestop and pick up ME3 again. I miss playing the MP.
Thanks for proving my point.
Mass Effect > Destiny There I agree. Everyone happy? You guys fight too much on the interwebs. Go watch a movie.