As a citizen of the United States I have the right to decide if I'm willing to risk my life over a conflict. I would make every attempt to avoid a draft and fight against it.
And yet, as a citizen of the United States you personally sign yourself up for draft eligibility when you turn 18 as per the Selective Service Act. So when you say "avoid" do you mean actually leaving the country? Because unless you commit felonies or lie to the government, you are obligated to be drafted as a US citizen.
[quote]And yet, as a citizen of the United States you personally sign yourself up for draft eligibility when you turn 18 as per the Selective Service Act. So when you say "avoid" do you mean actually leaving the country? Because unless you commit felonies or lie to the government, you are obligated to be drafted as a US citizen.[/quote] I would burn down army recruitment centers. The punk scene where I live would be mobilized into a rebellion force. We would lose, but we're sure as hell not dying for somebody else's war.
I am 19 and I have not signed up.