All of theese responses with conditions do not deserve to live here. If the country still paves your roads, provides police protection, and allows the possibility of your freedom no matter your rank on the asshole scale, why should you have conditions for defending her? If your mom slapped someone's baby in the face and that person tried to beat the shit out of your mom, are you gonna be like "sorry mom you deserve this" or are you woop that persons ass regarless of what happened, gender, race, or age? Cause personaly ima -blam!- that person up. Just sayin.
I love my mom and all and miss her like crazy but had she slapped a baby just oit of the blue for no good reason I'd back up and let her take her ass whooping. She put herself in that situation, she can try to get herself out of it. She would do same thing to me if it was other way around.
Edited by NeXuS: 1/18/2015 7:02:49 AMFighting for a corrupt government agenda (Iraq) is not the same as fighting against an invading army, who is hell bent on destroying your very way of life. If anyone decides to fight a war, because their government decided to invade another country, in the name of "fighting terrorism", they're morons. Let the politicians fight their own damn wars. Invading a country =\= defending a country, unless the invasion is a pre-emptive strike designed to halt an impending invasion of your own land. Isolated incidents of aggression by individuals is not an excuse for war against an entire people. Unless my own country is under direct threat of invasion, I would never fight.
Was gonna think out something to say, but -blam!- it. It's late, i'm tired, and the low level of patriotism and love for ones own country in this thread is depressing me, so i'm just gonna be immature and insult you. You're a -blam!- and a pussy so -blam!- you. [spoiler]Dick face[/spoiler]
Edited by NeXuS: 1/18/2015 7:03:36 AMHaha. Niceone bud. Patriotism is a farcical ideology. It's the idea that your country is better than another, simply because you happen to have been born there, and agree with its values. Blindly following the word of the country you live in, is in a word, retarded. "We don't like these guys, we're going to send you over to kill them", "ok sir!". Defending your way of life is not the same as invading a country based on false pretences.
Dude my country is the best. The whole readon we started this country is because we didn't like any of the others. The purpose of america is to just one single country that isn't a steaming wad of shit like your face.[spoiler]Good day sir[/spoiler][spoiler]-1 internet from you[/spoiler][spoiler]Your gay[/spoiler][spoiler]Nothing against gay people[/spoiler][spoiler]exept you fag[/spoiler][spoiler]Seriously dude your a -blam!-ing -blam!- you -blam!-y ass -blam!-[spoiler]Go -blam!- your mom, trust me dats gud pus bro[/spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler]queer[/spoiler]
Love it. Night Bruh.
Night dick. Before you doze can you ask your mom to pick a shade of lipstick and stick with and to please shave her chin, cause i'm tired of my dick looking like a rainbow and my balls itchy all the time.
Will do little one. Will do.
I hate my mother
Is she a druggy whore/other type of piece of shit parent?
my mom would deserve it and id be pissed as hell if she hit someones baby. how could you stand up for a person who hits other children, let alone defend and fight for that person.
Cause hypothecticaly that person is my mother. Make no mistake i would kill anyone without hesitation that tried to cause physical harm to my mother in any way for any reason.
[quote][u]Make no mistake i would kill anyone without hesitation that tried to cause physical harm to my mother in any way for any reason.[/u][/quote] You just summed up the type of person you are. You would actually kill someone for physically hurting a loved one. I guess you've never been in a fight in your life. If we all went around killing people for physically fighting one another, we'd have a fairly barren world. Hell, I'd be a murderer several times over if I followed your logic (physical harm warrants murder).
Not been in a fight since i was a kid, but then again not met someone stupid enough to try to hurt my mom.
Sorry mate, but if my mom slapped a baby I'll be slapping her. I love my mom and owe a lot to her but shit like that is just plain wrong and -blam!-ed up, there's no way in hell id ever be ok with that, and I hope my children do the same if I ever acted like that.
Dude dafuq? How are so many people cool with hurtin their moms? I get that slappin babies is unaceptable, but c'mon so is slappin your mom. And most likly if your mom slaps someones baby that person is going to automaticaly react with violance, so your prob not gonna have time to slap her before the other person does something. And this the point i was trying to make if your mom does something -blam!-ed up like slapping a baby and someone attacks her and tries to beat the shit out of her, are you going to let it happen or defend her knowing good and well she jus did some messed up shit? And btw i'm not saying you just act like it didn't happen after either, obviously you take b!tch to phyciastrist after fight to diagnose what her deal is. Also not saying that the person trying to beat on your mom isn't totaly justified, cause they are, but i'm also justified for not lettin somebody hurt my mom.
Obviously no one is gonna let their mom take a beating, I would stop that from happening, but I wouldn't beat the shit out of the person who's defending their child.
Edited by NeXuS: 1/18/2015 9:21:34 AMThis, if anything, I'd be inclined to help the person that was wronged. I don't care if it's a loved one, wrong is wrong. That doesn't mean I'd slap my mother around, or let someone else do it either. If the person is defending their child from my mother, I'd remove my mother from the situation.
Okay valid, but you would physicaly hurt said person if it was reguired to keep your mother from the beating, yes? [spoiler]Dude look at all the other replies people are too busy beating their moms to keep their moms from getting a beating[/spoiler]
If the other person was armed with a knife, and I had a gun, then yes I would blow his head off regardless of what my mother has done to him (with some really extreme exceptions) but if I could prevent it without beating someone I would.
Well then you're good bro, don't worry bout it. You don't have to be cool with what she did, as long as your willing to hurt someone in defense of your mother. Too many people wanted to hurt her instead of defend her. People have absolutley no appreciation for their creators theese days be it religious or biological.
Think 90% of them are trolling, but there would certainly be those disturbed 10%
Most trolls theese days make it painfully obvious just for an extra -blam!- you. Like using #satire and shit.
If my mom slapped a baby shes getting two asswhoopings
Anyone who would hurt their own mother does not deserve one.