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The Nephilim Syndicate

"We ain't no sinners but we're certainly not saints!"

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  • Mission Statement

    You should join the Nephilim Syndicate because we are awesome people.We accept everyone who is down to have a good time running raids, strikes, or just running around and killing things across the galaxy. We know that being an online gaming community that people use words that some do not like. We will not censer speech but we do ask that you be respectful of others in the clan both on the page and in game. If something goes wrong then it goes wrong just take a deep breath and do it again, nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes, We ask that you 1. Be respectful 2. Not be a rage quitter 3. Don't be a dick 4. If someone asks you to stop using certain words or slurs while they are in group then do so 5. Have fun 6. Do not troll 7. If you have to break a meet up let your fellow guardians know as soon as you can so they may find replacements. 8. Try to be active in the clan boards.

  • Membership

    6 Members
    Total number of users that have joined this group
    9 Years as a Group
    Total number of years this group has been active
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