You, my friend, are correct. TTK is what needs should be based on. If one or two weapons excel in that category, then they are OP. It's as simple as that. Top tier weapons should have multiple weapons rivaling it's TTK. Weapons like TLW should only have a good TTK in close range but every map in destiny (excluding a few) is close quarters so that irrelevant.
Exactly, if the TTK for weapons is roughly the same, the PVP is near enough balanced (dependant on specific perks etc). The TTK for TLW is crazy compared to most Handcannons.
Exactly, if they fix those two guns then PVP will be fine (excluding shotguns)
At least with shotguns the special ammo is limited.
Yeah, I have no problem with shotguns and their range though. Just the maps. They're way too small, especially considering you can slide and blink across the map