originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]sorry... Not breakable...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Spear: constructed by forming shadows, this is a preset weapon, and has no copies(if stolen I have to get it back). This weapon is hardly used except in desolate anger. When facing a dire situation, this spear can be revealed to be a thin sword by removing the wooden staff outer edges. It is a Cursed blade stolen from Maya's father. Composed of metal that grows within the City Under the Sun. Nigh unbreakable. Believe me. Maya has tried again and again in anger to destroy it. It enhances the speed of the wielder tenfold. And there is very little it cannot cleave. Magic has no effect on the Cursed blade. It resists transfer of any energy. Can be destroyed by throwing it in a new born star, and left alone for two months. But in doing so. The curse it wields will be released upon destruction.
It's downfall of using the blade unprotected by the staff's form is that Maya will begin to become possessed. Once fully possessed. The sword must be physically removed from her person and she must be exorcised of the demons. DO NOT ALLOW HER TO ENTER THE SHADOW REALM WHILE POSSESSED. IF THIS HAPPENS. SHE COULD WREAK HAVOC WITHOUT EVER GETTING APPREHENDED AGAIN.[/spoiler]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[spoiler]Also... The sword is different with many people. Me? Intensifies many of my moves and infuses them with shadow. I'd say NOT TO LET ME USE IT WITH MY APOCALYPTIC FORM, but... Too late![/spoiler]