Bramd - old
*jumps up on your blade and rides it like a surfboard, until I am thrown off* -
*Jumps after you swings the blade overhead and brings it down swinging hard at you*
Bramd - old
*rolls to the side, the blade taking off a toe* Damn you! *I jump up and kick you in the face, the acid blood splashing on you* -
*blood hits hovark's face rolls off his scales sizzling slightly but doesn't any real damage* "Ouch" "Oh that tickles" "But its my turns *he grabs you by the ankle and slams you into the ground hard* *he sucks in a huge amount of air then exhales releasing a spraying flames everywhere* [spoiler]he can breathe fire and ice depending how much air he sucks in[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*I hold my sword between me and the flames* *when the flames stop spewing from you, the blade's flames are blue* Oh, I've never done THIS before! -
*he growls as he get closer to you he hits your sword with such force he shatters his own blade right down the middle.* * then headbutts you in the face * *he tosses his broken blade to the side*
Bramd - old
*reels back from headbutt* Let's spar right, now. *own sword dissolves in hand* -
*he kicks you the knee and then grabs by the arm slamming you to the ground hard*
Bramd - old
*I land on the ground, but as I fall, my leg lands between your legs...* *Need I continue that sentence?* *I get up and tackle you, giving you a bear hug while I knee you in the gut with every stride until you hit the wall* -
*hovark grunts as his balls are kicked he hunches over as he does.* *he get slammed into the wall with such force it makes the wall crack in several places* *the force of which breaks three of his ribs making it hard to breathe* *hovark grabs you and sinks his very razor sharp teeth in to your right shoulder making you bleed.* *then he body slams you hard*
Edited by BrandRobKus: 4/22/2016 6:22:39 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*when you bite me, my acidic blood gets in your mouth, having a very, very sour taste* *As soon as I hit the ground, I dissolve into the ground, then reform behind you and give you a good knee in the back* *I grab your left arm and twist it hard. I hit your "funny bone" (I forgot the official name of it, so I'm apparently going back to kindergarten.)* -
"Son of a bitch!!" *as sats he feels his bones snap in his left arm* *he plants a kick to your ribs *
Bramd - old
*a couple ribs crack* -
*then hovark punches you in the stomach*
Bramd - old
*moves quickly to the side, so you just punch my thigh* *With that momentum, I punch the back of your neck. Hard.* You wanted a good spar... Is this good or not? -
*he staggers from the punch.* "Yes it is he pants*
Bramd - old
But I have a way to make it more interesting Unless... You don't like it when others are as strong as your dragon form, if not, stronger* -
Doesn't bother me why
Bramd - old
Perfect *I curl into a ball, and float in the air. My body becomes larger, limbs becoming stronger, more reptile like. My feet become talons, and four medium sized wings sprout from my back. My neck elongates, and my head transforms, becoming more of a dragon head* [spoiler]Looks kinda like http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/battle-cats/images/0/0e/Crazed_bahamut_cat.png/revision/latest?cb=20150527175811[/spoiler] -
*hovark changes into a massive jet black dragon before your eyes* *smokes raises from his nostrils* "this is gonna be fun"
Bramd - old
Quite. You first -
"Alright then " *he roars and blasts you with ice hitting you left side*
Bramd - old
*the ice instantly melts on my arm* *I form a large iron pillar in my hand, flip it around to show off, then hit you across the face with it* -
*hovark staggers sideways when the you hit his face knocking three of his teeth free* *he growls loudly as he runs his tongue over the spot where the teeth were knocked out* "Owww" *he turns and smacks you with a nasty spiked lined tail*
Bramd - old
*tries to avoid, but gets hit right in the gut* *I release a fiery dragon breath*