"That's not a good thing leyla says" "She dangerous when she becomes unsealed for the first time " "COME HERE LEYLA "
Bramd - old
*holds arms up to block the two* It's kinda a big deal, Leyla! -
"It ain't me you should about mortar its her says leyla" "She been chasing me down" "STOP INTERFERING AND GET OF MY WAY" "Look out!!! says leyla" *leyla watches as serenity clamps down on mortar's arm and starts biting really hard* "Let go of him you bitch" *leyla picks up a tiny rock and chucks it hitting serenity on top her head she lets go*
Bramd - old
I was talking about her Leyla! FIGHT LIKE A DRAGON SERENITY *I float into the air, and my limbs become larger and stronger, feet becoming talons. I grow four large wings. My neck elongates, and my head becomes a dragon head* FIGHT LIKE A DRAGON OR DON'T FIGHT AT ALL, FOR BAHAMORTAR WILL MAKE HASTE OF YOU! -
"FINE HAVE IT YOUR WAY" *Serenity transforms before your very eyes turning into a huge light blue dragon.* "BRING IT" *serenity roars in defiance* *whips her nasty spiked lined tail at you hitting your side the spikes driving deep*
Bramd - old
*catches the tip of your tail between two fingers* Is that Honestly the best you got? because I might as well knock you out now! -
*she yanks her tail from your grip then ashe starts inhaling for a breath attack* *then she exhales spraying you with ice hitting your left side *
Bramd - old
*the ice melts, causing a mist to cover the field* *the quiet of the mist is disrupted by an iron ball hurled at your chest* -
*it knocks the breath out of serenity and breaks a couple ribs* *she recoveres and lunges forward raking your side with her talons digging deep making you bleed"
Bramd - old
*the acidic blood makes you recoil, since you have never been exposed to it.* *I tackle you, pinning you to the ground* -
*serenity hisses as she tries pushing you off but to no avail. So she snaps at your face and neck.
Bramd - old
*you miss, and I blow in your face, seemingly knocking you out* I think that did it. *forms back to normal form* -
*she lies there cold out in her dragon form.*
Bramd - old
*yells out* I think you're good Leyla! -
"Okay" *leyla comes out her hiding spot and looks at her sister* "Now what?" "What do we do with her? Says leyla.
Bramd - old
*I put my hand on her head, and she turns to normal form* I got a saline pool at my place, we can keep her there. First, we may want to tell your dad. *Picks her up.* -
"Okay " "He should be around close by"say leyla. "I just dont know where"
Bramd - old
I think I saw him in the dojo sparring with some people *starts walking into the dojo with serenity in arms* -
"Alright lead the way" *she follows*
Bramd - old
Wait, I have Mion! What was I thinking *cups hands over mouth* MIONN!!! *A large orange cat with orange eagle wings flies up* [i]What do you need? You interrupted my bird chasing.[/i] Can you just get Hovark? [i]fine...[/i] -
"Hmm how strange of creature and hope he isn't chasing after my two birds" "There bigger than him and there pretty aggressive if they get chased" *as she watches moin fly off* "Cause that wouldn't be good at all"
Bramd - old
Naw, he normally chases after sparrows. Hawks if he's feeling lucky. -
"Well my birds are about as big as a bobcat"
Bramd - old
I saw em *we get to the dojo and see Hovark in the center* -