Bramd - old
*mortar comes up from the ground* Dad! Leave the Deity be! [i]These combatants are weak![/i] You know the deity can crush you [i]Never![/i] *the shadows disappear* You hand me your axe or I'll hand you your ass! I'm sorry deity, I don't think it'll happen again. [i]YOU ARE WEAK GORE![/i] STOP CALLING ME GORE! THAT'S NOT MY NAME ANYMORE! -
Edited by Inflatablepants: 4/25/2016 10:11:46 PMSHUT THE FU[i]C[/i]K UP! [b]The deity seems pissed..,[/b] [spoiler]This usually leads to an awkward silence...[/spoiler]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 4/25/2016 10:18:00 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*Mortar's father seems pissed, so he attempts to punch at your gut, but it is diffused by Mortar's Iron ball hitting his fist.* [i]GORE! STAY OUT OF THIS![/i] Never! I will not let you try to fight the Deity! I'll fight you instead! *Looks at the Deity, then back at Mortar* [i]These combatants are weak if they let you in.[/i] I GET IT FATHER NOW SHUT THE -blam!- UP AND LEAVE! [i]I will not leave. However, I will not fight this Deity, probably because you're scared he will die by my hand, like your mother.[/i] [spoiler]If you couldn't tell, he's blunt and open about everything.[/spoiler] -
Edited by Inflatablepants: 4/25/2016 10:24:09 PM[b]The Deity draws his blade[/b] Why, you bitch! First off, mortar you sound like a god damn twelve year old who didn't get his chocolate milk. And YOU. [b]The deity steps close to the father. There noses are barely an inch apart[/b] You cock sucking whore. You think you can come here? Talk your shit to my people and think you can get away with it? Really? Well here's a good idea. MEASURE YOUR DICK BEFORE GETTING IN A CONTEST.
[spoiler]Calm down lord savage....[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Hey, no one shit talks the deity!!![/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*Holds palm open, the symbol glows and a large war axe forms in his hand* *He then holds the non blade side across your forehead, you feel a burning feeling* [i]You do not want to fight me. I have conquered places you couldn't begin to imagine. Places that would violently dissect people like you.[/i] *Mortar sighs* Can you shut up? The deity doesn't take shit from anyone; you may as well be dead now! -
You know what? That is exactly right! [b]The Deity snaps his fingers as a small list and a pen appear in his hands[/b] Mortar...what are his people's name again?
Bramd - old
His "many names?" If you can name a religion, he's probably the guy revolving round death and underworld. Satan, Hades, some other things I forget. [i]A wise little bastard, you are, Deity.[/i] *"Deity" is said with a hint of contempt.* -
No numbnuts. What are his PEOPLES name. You know, like his entire race? Since apparently there are like 6 underworlds I need to know which specific one it is.
Bramd - old
I don't know! He kept me locked up in a room smashing skeletons with a goddamn Mortar and Pestle! [i]We've been called godbane, fear, many other things, but we settle on the name "purifiers"[/i] Okay, I've been in the underworld 20,000 years, and I've NEVER heard that name! [i]Stay out of this mortar![/i] -
[b]The Deity writes something down[/b] P...u...r.... Okay great! Another race to my list! [b]He snaps his fingers and the list disappears[/b] So are we going somewhere with this? Or should I just [i]kill you now?[/i]
Bramd - old
*you suddenly become surrounded by shadows of dead Dojo members, Pants being one of them* *you think you see pants mouth "sorry."* -
[spoiler]Agh jeez. Sorry. You see, pants is in a different place. Ask Zane if you want. It's for an upcoming plot.[/spoiler] Okay. A, I'm getting a hint of "non-cannon" here. And B, why should I give a shit about any of your shadow ass hats?
Bramd - old
*the shadows wield their respective weapons* [spoiler]Not actually pants, just a shadow duplicate.[/spoiler] Do NOT do this father! [i]I must, for this cheeky "Ass hat" disrespected me.[/i] -
Aweeee. Did I hurt your feeling little bitch? Don't worry. YOU'll BE RELIEVED OF EVERYTHING SOON! [b]The Deity readies his blade[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar's father readies his war axe, the side that didn't have a blade is now replaced with a scythe* -
[b]In an explosion of light, killing the shades of the dojo members, the deity teleports behind the father. He impales him with the ginormous blade then throws him off it, sending him head first into the dojo wall[/b]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 4/26/2016 3:15:16 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*Mortar's father seems to dissolve into the wall, then jumps off the roof, slamming his scythe side on you* I guess that's where I get it from, the dissolving. *Mortar walks over to testuo* This is going to end quick, right? I don't think he stands a chance against the Deity. -
[b]Tesuto contemplates[/b] *sigh* I do believe your father will die. [b]The scythe shatters when it hits The Deities armour. He grabs the father by the throat and holds the Deity blade in a reverse grip. He stabs him repeatedly, leaving huge holes going straight through his chest. On his final stab, he brings the blade down and let's go of the father, and impales him into the ground with both hands on the blade.[/b] [b]Light begins searing through the fathers body [/b]
Bramd - old
*the light vanishes, shadows pour from the holes* *you are surprised to see him grow in size, and grow wings. The scythe reappears in his hands on fire, and Mortar's father is ready for round two* [i]no[/i] -
Edited by Inflatablepants: 4/26/2016 3:47:27 PM[b]The deity cracks his neck.[/b] Ohohoho. Big bad Satan has come to play hmm? You were better In Supernatural honestly.... [b]The deity raises his blade. Light seems to fade from the area, but his blade becomes bright. He begins swinging his blade. Sending massive beams of light flying at the father. The fire seems endless. And enduring.[/b]
Bramd - old
*holds scythe between himself and flame* [i]If that's all you got, I might as well destroy you now[/i] *grabs you by your temples and brings you face to face. Mortar's father takes your sword from you, uses it as a toothpick, and throws it to the ground* *flicks you, causing you to fall* -
[b]Since the blade can't be disarmed from the Deity. He laughs[/b] Wow! You uhhh...you struggling there? [spoiler]We have to go back to where he's holding the deity. I really need to make a Bio for him...[/spoiler] Here..let me- [b]With one swift action the deity impales the 3ft wide blade through his mouth. He rips it upwards, splitting his head into two like an orange.[/b] Don't put strange objects in your mouth kids.
Bramd - old
*the blade gets lost in his head* [i]do stay still[/i] *puts more pressure on your head*