originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
- i wouldn't know why she asked only for him-
*aiyanna lays there with the little pup who fast sleep who making noises in his sleep*
Bramd - old
[u]Hmm...[/u] *Mion begins to walk out* -
*aiyanna watches the cat leave*
Bramd - old
[u]You guys wanna come too?[/u] -
-i really do but i dont wanna leave the pup alone again and i would have to take pup with me.
Bramd - old
[u]Okay then.[/u] *Mion flies away to find Serenity and Cyan* -
*aiyanna watches the cat go and sonya follows the flying cat not want to be left behind.* -well good luck then you two-
Bramd - old
[b]Thanks.[/b] *They get to the wooden hut* [u]CYAN!! SERENITY!?[/u] -
*serenity is listening to cyan talk and she sees mion* "Yes mion?"says serenity
Bramd - old
[u]I wanted to see what's going on... What is going on?[/u] -
"We still trying to figure that out we dont even know what it is yet" *as aiyanna back at cyan cave she hears a really weird noise close to the entrance and it sounds big and getting closer*
Bramd - old
*Crossbow faces it and walks back* If I'm not back in 15 minutes, come back. *He runs out* -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 5/25/2016 8:56:41 PM*aiyanna who still the cave hearing the creature getting closer you hear a wet raspy breathing aiyanna picks up the sleeping pup and hides him as its right outside now.* *aiyanna ears flatten back as she issues a low threatening growl bearing her teeth as lumbering beast comes into view* *you see it blocking the cave entrance as you run up its trying to get aiyanna and you hear her growling loudly*
Edited by BrandRobKus: 5/25/2016 10:14:29 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*The figure is... The Figure is Mortar* *Mortar has his sword out, instead of it's normal green flame, it has a black, threatening flame* Mortar! What are you doing?! *Mortar turns his head 180 degrees. His eyes are black, but his pupils are a bloody crimson.* There is no Mortar. Only Gore. *Mortar, or should I say Gore, dissolves into the ground* -
*aiyanna doesn't stop growling as he disappears the fur on her back stands on end* *she remains on high alert even when she sees crossbow* -explain now - -what was that- *aiyanna is not calming down you just hear her growling nonstop* -that pure evil i felt just now in its presence now where did it go?-
Bramd - old
*Crossbow is speechless a moment* [i]I think Mortar has reverted to his thoughtless, war form. I think someone forced him to be like this.[/i] [spoiler]Proceed to MegaMortar's latest post on [DIGITAL_DOJO][/spoiler]