[b][i][u]It's BOOMING! You guys really "light" things up all over the place. Irithyll is actually accessible, and now I'm not having to dodge axes and what-not in Lothric![/u][/i][/b]
Bramd - old
Well nothing says welcome back like someone not trying to decapitate you. Oh, and can you not talk about me to Orn, he may... flip -
[b][u]Um...why? He was fine earlier.[/u][/b] [i][u]Indeed... Tell us, Mortar. What has happened to our friend?[/u][/i]
Bramd - old
He went berserk because he REALLY wanted to ignite it, but he would have destroyed many dimensions if he did. So I interfered. He snapped, and might end up being Hollowed. -
~The knightess Anri panics slightly at the word "Hollow"- [i][u]That's awful...I don't know if we can help...[/u][/i]
Bramd - old
I'm really trying to, I try to talk to him, with no luck. -
Bramd - old
Yeah. Thinking of taking him to watch a movie or something. How do you feel about Finding Dory, lots of people say they gain faith in humanity watching that. -
[i][u]Meh, that might work. Or not...[/u][/i]
Bramd - old
I don't know what he likes, that seemed to be the only thing that kept him going -
[i][u]Hollowing can be prevented, yes. We can only hope that he gets better.[/u][/i]
Bramd - old
Yeah, I hope. Well, do you guys have anywhere to stay? -
[b][i]I'd assume here, but...that depends, yes?[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
Oh, no, you helped us a great deal. I was just wondering if you had a place to stay -
[b][i]Probably. We could fine a...whatchamacall it...an apartment. Or live in the Quarters. It'll honestly depend.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
Yeah. We have some quarters that you can stay at for the time being -
[b][i]We also heard...that visitors can become members.[/i][/b] ~The group looks up at you, as if expecting a response~
Bramd - old
Oh yeah, but you gotta fight a lieutenant. I'm not one, but Tubbs is -
[b][i]Alright then. Thank you.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
No problem guys. A friend of my friend is mine as well. -
~Siegward nods in agreement~
Bramd - old
So, you guys hungry? There's a good Bar and Grill that Royal used to own. *Mortar's stomach growls, he seems to not have eaten for a couple days* -
[i][u]I suppose we could visit, sure![/u][/i] ~The rest of the group follows you on. Solaire stops and screams at the Starbucks~
Bramd - old
*Mortar sees himself inside with Orn* Woah, trippy. -
[i][u]WOAH! Wish I could do that![/u][/i] ~Solaire ignores whatever the hell is going on and follows you again. Or something. IDK~