originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Well there's a lot to do. Probably not as exciting, but we can watch a movie, relax in my pool, help me expel this god of torment
[i]...God of Torment?[/i]
Bramd - old
Yeah, I'm trying to get it out of my head, but it... can't get out -
[i]That's a shame.[/i] ~He goes back to drinking coffee~
Bramd - old
Yeah... *Mortar drinks some of his coffee* So... I guess we don't have much to talk about now... -
~Ornstein is silent~
Bramd - old
You okay? You still... you still mad? -
~He sighs, as if expecting this~ [i]It's...it's hard to explain.[/i]
Bramd - old
Oh, no I get it completely. -
[i]I don't know how to feel. I wanted to...I wanted to hurt you the other day. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I don't know whether it was the fact that you were one of my best friends or...or that this was forced onto you.[/i]
Bramd - old
Yeah. I'm surprised that you barely had any credit, you were one of the best there. You were really brave there, and if I go back, I'm gonna say that you deserve more credit -
Bramd - old
Yeah. You were awesome man -
[i]...Thanks, I guess.[/i] [i]Look, I'll just need some time. That's all.[/i]
Bramd - old
I get it. If it's time you need, time you will have. Oh, dammit I promised Wit a latte. *Mortar walks up to the counter and orders a latte* Yeah... -
~The knight still sits there, looking outside. A familiar group walks past~
Bramd - old
Oh, looks like they came. *Mortar waves to them* Well, I'll see you later I guess. -
~Solaire waves back~ [i]Yeah. See ya.[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar goes through the door and walks back to his place* [spoiler]And fin.[/spoiler] -