originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Why are you saying that? You aren't gonna be tested again either way
*shrugs* We'll see.
Bramd - old
Yeah, but I know how it's gonna go down. You'll get shit from the lieutenants -
And I'll take that shit. I'm posting in this thread either way. I really just want to battle. It's fun.
Bramd - old
You're gonna end up like Ookshmook. That guy thought The same way you did, and argued with anyone else saying he couldn't post until OP said that he couldn't, and you can't really argue with OP. -
Well, in that case, screw you. I obviously know how to RP, and I even [i][b]let myself lose[/b][/i], something that nobody else has done when asking for entry! Just let me in, god damn it! Why does this place have such a "boy's treehouse" philosophy!?
Bramd - old
That's the thing, you don't let yourself lose in an RP that's basically almost all combat based. -
Edited by Management: 6/21/2016 12:41:52 PMWell, what else was I supposed to do, Coin was incapacitated and [i]fire was being flung into her.[/i] How the hell would a regular human evade that?! Use some bullshit excuse like: "Coin pulled a small rock from her bag, and it spread the fire around her." NO! BECAUSE THAT'S A BULLSHIT MOVE USED ONLY BY CHEAP FUСKS WHO CAN'T LOSE IN THEIR PRISSY BULLSHIT
Bramd - old
Woah, calm the -blam!- down. -
NO 2/3 People I fought somehow evaded or just straight up [b][i]blocked[/i][/b] the [b][i]supersonic superheated supermetal encased[/i][/b] bullet! I wasn't even going for headshots! You were just doing "oh you cant win hurr durr"
Bramd - old
Well there's a period of time between aiming and firing. You're probably not right for this RP. Im sorry for the truth.