*Noticing that chances of me getting out of this are slim, I summon a portal and fall in. I then reappear behind you and jump up doing a spinning roundhouse midair of sorts, kicking you in the back of the head with a foot alit with purifying light. This has the same effect as the punch. You stagger forward. This also ends the clone attack* Did you forget I wield shadows in tandem with light? *I cover my chest wound with a liquid healing light, which seals it and starts to close it*
Bramd - old
*Mortar recoils a little, holding the back of bis head* Yeah, that could be a good thing to remember. *Mortar takes out his .44 Magnum, it's dark grey and crimson look familiar. He fires a few rounds at your dominant arm and chest, your chest doesn't stop healing, but it slows down greatly. Your arm seems to feel lethargic, and flops around uselessly.* -
Edited by BIGH1001: 7/2/2016 1:45:40 PMSeems you prefer to use suppression rounds over explosive. Now allow me to end this *I use my good arm to summon an orb of purifying light and throw it at the roof (similar to the healing orb) once the orb stuck, it projected a brilliant light that suppressed all shadow abilities in the room. (Even mine) my arm also seemed to get limited movement back*
Bramd - old
Ah, dammit. *Mortar's sword turns from black with crimson symbols to white with Gold flames* Oh, yeah, I forgot that could do that. *Mortar runs at you, jumping over you and kicking the back of your head, then uses his now light sword to slice at your arm. You can tell, however, that his wounds are beginning to take a toll on him* -
*I intercept your slash with a block assisted by shielding light, I then grab your sword (shielding let's me do this to an extent) and turn around and start punching you with purifying light fists. This causes you to stagger back, release your sword and leaves you reeling for a few seconds*
Bramd - old
*The sword dissipates in your hand and reforms in Mortar's hand* Well, you're good, I'll give you that. *Mortar dissolves into the ground and reforms behind you, slicing your calf. He dissolves into the ground again and reforms in front of you and punches you hard. He dissolves into the ground before you can react and reforms a few meters farther away and hurls five iron balls at you, then dissolves into the ground and reforms in front of you and punches you again. The iron balls, which have landed after they hit you, explode, throwing you in the air* -
*I slash below me with my sword to dis-encourage you to follow up. I then land and lunge at you, embedding my sword into your thigh, I then slice your bicep, severing tendons and muscle. This causes you to take a knee* Seems your powers go beyond darkness. *I fill my wounds with the same healing light used in my chest, pain setting in hard* [spoiler]might leave this for now. Gotta sleep irl[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Got it.[/spoiler] *Mortar is biting his lip trying to stand back up* Well, I can confirm that you are doing good, and this could get you in, except for one last thing... *Mortar takes out what appears to be a normal taser.* I have a few "Last resort" abilities. *Mortar tases himself and collapses. After a moment, his limbs grow longer, stronger. Three arms protrude from his back, each holding a wicked looking black greatsword with red plasma buzzing around the blade. Mortar gets up, making you thankful that he has his mask on, because you feel behind it is a face that can give anybody nightmares. His injuries seem to not affect him as much as he stands, his main sword looking larger than normal* Round two. -
Damnit *I sit down, legs crossed, hands on knees in meditation, a bubble of shielding light forms around me (bubble shield, ward of dawn ect.). It is at least 20cm thick and has light constantly fed to it
Bramd - old
Aw, that's no fun when you hide behind walls. *Mortar dissolves into the ground and reforms behind you, grabbing you and slamming you against your own wall* -
*I disintegrate into purifying embers, then reappear outside the bubble. I then start shrinking/constricting the bubble around you*
Bramd - old
*Mortar dissolves into the ground and reforms next to you* That's strange... *He slashes at you with the blades on his back* -
*I dodge the slashes, and use my sword to chop off your extra arms. I get through 2 and damage the third fairly bad*
Bramd - old
*The arms shatter, but the shards stay there a moment and reform to the arms they were* You can screw up my gut, my organs, but you do NOT mess with a person's extra arms. *The swords seem to merge together and form a large cannon on his back. He aims it at you at point blank range and fires* -
*I disintegrate and reappear in front of you, I then thrust my sword into your stomach, then removing the blade*
Bramd - old
*Mortar bites his lip to keep from yelling out in pain and rage, then forms an iron ball that forms around you, cutting off your oxygen.* -
*I disintegrate and appear behind the ball, I then kick it towards you*
Bramd - old
*The ball explodes before you kick it, sending you flying* -
*I disintegrate as I hit the wall, I then appear beside you, I then thrust my sword into your thigh, and remove it, causing you to take a knee. I then get out of the way of the back blades*
Bramd - old
*An iron ball flung from Mortar's side throws your sword off before it can enter his thigh, then turns and goes for your head* -
*I proceed to cut the ball in half and get out of the way [spoiler]2 things 1) gonna pause. Need sleep 2) am I occasionally doing too much for one comment?[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Okay and not really.[/spoiler] *Mortar is definitely pissed, and lunges at you, his strength seemingly crushing you* -
*While you lunge at me, I thrust my sword through your chest* [spoiler]sorry this took so long. I do this at night and I am sometimes too tired to do this[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*Mortar groans as he falls to his knees* Well, that's as close to death as I'm going today... Now, *groan* all we need to do is have a lieutenant look it over. *Mortar inches the blade out so it's not as painful to take it out* -
Gg. If you weren't part demon, I would offer my healing *sheathes sword*