"Look around try to figure it out."
Bramd - old
Alright then... *Mortar pries open a closet door* -
[b]The door swings open, nearly falling on top of you but stopping short. Inside the closet is an incredibly moldy chest. [/b]
Bramd - old
Woah, did you know this was here? *Mortar carefully opens it up* -
[b]The chest is locked. [/b] "Of course I did. Here take this." [b]She throws something toward you [/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar catches it* Thanks, but I won't need it. *Mortar, with some effort, pulls the clasp off the chest* -
[b]The chest still doesn't budge, with the clasp immediately closing [/b] "Trust me. You'll need it."
Bramd - old
Fine... *Mortar puts the thing in an opening* -
[b]The chest pops open easily. It starts glowing and the moss falls off rapidly, making the chest seem new.[/b]
Bramd - old
Woah, what is happening? Nora? -
"Give it a second." [b]The house begins repairing itself and now it seems to be good as new The roof is back, the doors are back, the moss is gone [/b] "You see..." [b]She gets up and Walks over to you, taking the item and pocketing it. [/b] "..How should I explain? " [b]She sits back down [/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar follows, sitting in a chair opposite to you* Well, start at the beginning -
"I'll just let the house do the talking." [b]As if on cue, two little girls run into the house laughing happily. [/b] "It will take a moment to understand."
Bramd - old
*Mortar was confused, then after a moment understood* Ohhh... Can I interact or is this like a Pensive? -
[b]Nora is silent as the children sit around you [/b] ???- [i]Is it story time Dada? [/i] ????- [u]I want a story! [/u] ??? [i][u]Now now children, Dada is busy.[/u][/i] [b]An older woman walks into the house.[/b]
Bramd - old
Woah, trippy. Is one of these girls you? -
[i]But of course Dada![/i] [u]Is he sick Grandmother?![/u] [i][u]Of course-[/u][/i] [b]The time seems to shift and it is now nighttime. The children are gone and the woman sits at a table, eating [/b] "Memories are a funny thing."
Bramd - old
*Mortar, catching on, decides to talk* Oh, um, yeah. How come you ask? -
[b]The woman looks up at you. [/b] "Dear are you alright? Valerie asked a question hours ago. You've been dozed out." [b]As you interact with the memory, Nora seems to disappear. Your clothes change and so does your appearance [/b]
Bramd - old
Oh, I think. I don't know, something seems off. Just a few minutes ago, I saw this place as a barren building, completely worn down. Then Nora came in, and... Nora. *Mortar wonders why exactly she is doing this to him* It's nothing, I'm fine -
"Nora? Nora is asleep darling."
Bramd - old
Oh, um, okay. Well, it's not exactly okay. A few minutes ago, I was Mortar. Ex God, the best demon of 2016, and now, I have no idea where or who I am... like some weird acid trip. I swear to god, did Nora drug me or something? *He looks at the woman* I guess that didn't make any sense, did it? -
"Mortar? Why do you speak of that ghastly being? Especially in the year 1265..."
Bramd - old
Wait, you've heard of Mortar? I only changed it in high school, around 2003... I apologize, what year is it? *Mortar was confused as hell, what the hell did Nora do?* -
"The year is 1274 dear. What do you mean you changed it? The ghastly being known as Mortar has been around for the past decade. He runs the bandits..."