Bramd - old
Trust me, Syrilth, one day you're gonna wonder why you hated naps in the first place, especially if you live here. *Mion jumps on Mortar's shoulder, his front paws on Mortar's head* -
"Syrilth is nap time"says leyla [i]syrilth starts to fuss as leyla picks up and carries her to the back for a nap[/i] "I dont wanna"syrilth whines
Bramd - old
See you later, I'll watch these guys while you're away and putting her down for an N A P. -
"Okay thanks think shouldnt take to long"says leyla [i]she walks back to serenity's syrilth room and lays her down the bed. Leyla sits with her until she fall asleep when does leyla sneaks back out to the front of the cave[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar seems to be more relaxed with the kids around, but something is missing, it appears that he wants kids of his own* -
"They really like you dont they"says leyla "He got red eye like i do"says jura
Bramd - old
Yeah, that's the first thing I noticed about you Jura. But they aren't red always. *Mortar's eyes go from crimson to black with crimson pupils, then white, then normal looking eyes, with grey blue irises, and back to crimson* -
"Woah that cool how do you do that?"asks jura "My eyes cant change" says jura
Bramd - old
Well, I was born with black eyes. when I was growing up in the Underworld, I was experimented on, and gave me the normal looking eyes, for urban camo. The red eyes were from when I was reborn, and the white eyes I learned how to do more recently. -
"That sounds painful why would they do that to you"says jura
Bramd - old
Um... So, what have you been doing anyway? -
"Me driving my mama nuts" says jura "Oh this and that"says leyla
Bramd - old
Ah, that's cool. You still gotta give her a break sometimes, so she doesn't snap. Trust me, a mother snapping is the LAST thing you want. Maybe being part dragon could make it scarier. -
"Yeah mama usually walks away when she gets mad"says jura
Bramd - old
Ah, okay... Better than what I do when mad -
"You break stuff when you get mad?"asks jura
Bramd - old
Sometimes. But I prefer the "swift punishment" method. -
"Grampa makes me stand in the corner if im bad"says jura
Bramd - old
Ah, the dreaded corner. I've had my share of that at my house when I was a kid. -
"Its not fun at all"says jura
Bramd - old
Yeah, I know. Hey, a strict Grandpa isn't bad -
"I guess but it not fun when he mad"says jura
Bramd - old
*Mortar chuckles a bit* I guess it's not... But then again, it's not fun to get in the flour, you need flour to make cake -
"But flour is fun to play in..."says jura
Bramd - old
But cake is fun to eat, right?