"Me driving my mama nuts" says jura "Oh this and that"says leyla
Bramd - old
Ah, that's cool. You still gotta give her a break sometimes, so she doesn't snap. Trust me, a mother snapping is the LAST thing you want. Maybe being part dragon could make it scarier. -
"Yeah mama usually walks away when she gets mad"says jura
Bramd - old
Ah, okay... Better than what I do when mad -
"You break stuff when you get mad?"asks jura
Bramd - old
Sometimes. But I prefer the "swift punishment" method. -
"Grampa makes me stand in the corner if im bad"says jura
Bramd - old
Ah, the dreaded corner. I've had my share of that at my house when I was a kid. -
"Its not fun at all"says jura
Bramd - old
Yeah, I know. Hey, a strict Grandpa isn't bad -
"I guess but it not fun when he mad"says jura
Bramd - old
*Mortar chuckles a bit* I guess it's not... But then again, it's not fun to get in the flour, you need flour to make cake -
"But flour is fun to play in..."says jura
Bramd - old
But cake is fun to eat, right? -
"It is but i prefer fruit over cake i love watermelon its so tasty"says jura
Bramd - old
Oh, yeah, it's sooo good! -
"Yeah they are so are strawberries"says jura
Bramd - old
Yeah, and don't get me started on pineapple. Oh, yeah, that's good. *Mortar is silent a moment, it is clear that he is thinking of something* Have you tried lemons yet? -
"What a lemon?"asks jura
Bramd - old
Ooh, you are in for a treat. I'll be right back. *Mortar dissolves into the ground and reforms with a lemon in his hand* This is the good stuff. -
[i]jura looks at the strange fruit curiously. Sivath does the same it looks funny as fruit thought sivath.[/i]
Bramd - old
You see, kids, a lemon is a small sour fruit, and, when the juice is mixed with sugar and water, makes Lemonade, a really good drink to have on a summer day like this. -
"I thought all fruit was sweet?"asks sivath
Bramd - old
Well, not all are. Try this lemon for example. *Mortar takes a knife off his back and cuts a few wedges* -
[i]jura and sivath both take a piece of lemon sivath take a small nobble out of it he makes a face cause its sour. Jura does the same but he seems to like it more than sivath[/i]