I agree. I remember the post you are referring too as well. The swarm could be almost as effective at damage as the Gjallarhorn, if you emptied the entire clip into Atheons critical spot without missing a single shot. You would also need a swarm with field scout to actually be able to do this as well as being able to start firing at atheon from the second times vengeance begins. Some weapons can out DPS the Gjallarhorn, the chief contender to that crown is the Thunderlord once the lightning rounds kick in, however the likelihood of landing all your shots, exactly where you want them to land to achieve damage required to match a Gjallarhorn, is to say the least, slim, at best.
With the Gjallarhorn you fire and forget. 99% of the time you will get the max damage output with little skill involved.
With Dragons breath its the same as the swarm or thunderlord, situationally it can do just as much damage as the Gjallarhorn, but the likelihood of it happening is very rare. The damage can be high, if you hit a target that does not move away from damage, so a shrieker or a devil walker, or Ir Yut or....... nope, that's it. Everything else will move out of the way.
On paper, you can do good damage with a dragons breath, the Gjallarhorn still does more damage and does it faster, as well as tracks and doesn't require an enemy that doesn't move away from the solar grenade, of which their are only a handful in the game.
Hmm..have Ghorn, DB, Hunger and Truth.
Been looking for an excuse to max out DB. Will do so and test this out. I am always open to weapons that help in raids.
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